Map of the Republic of Indonesia

Whereas independence is the inalienable right of all nations, therefore, all colonialism must be abolished in this world as it is not in conformity with humanity and justice.


The Battle of Surabaya was fought between pro-independence Indonesian soldiers and militia against British and Dutch troops as a part of the Indonesian National Revolution.

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The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement

The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement in Geneva on 14 November 1963, these agreements often make the busy times of whoever want to become President of Indonesia. And, this is an agreement that makes some people crazy to spread the money to get this piece of property that became known as "one of the 'treasure people and nation of Indonesia. This is an agreement by the world community as an Eternal Heritage of Mankind.

This then is the target of a Soeharto secret team to torture Soebandrio to open their mouth. This agreement made when Megawati became President, her bill promises to Switzerland but also didn't work. Whereas Megawati has said that she was President and she is daughter of Soekarno, but still could not. This then makes SBY (President of Indonesia) formed a secret team to keep track of this property but also remained barren.

The agreement is called The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement Geneva. Deed that most expensive in the world was signed by John F. Kennedy as President of the United States, Ir Soekarno as President of Indonesia and William Vouker representing Switzerland.

Triangular agreement was done at the Hilton Hotel Geneva on 14 November 1963 as a continuation of the MOU that had carried out in 1961. The point is the U.S. government acknowledged the existence of gold bullion valued at no less than 57 thousand tons which consists of 17 gold packets from Indonesia. Indonesia received the gold bullion was to be collateral for the U.S. financial world that its operation conducted by the Swiss Government through the United Bank of Switzerland (UBS). The agreement is valid three years later, 14 November 1965 (picture below is just one of many pieces of the agreement).

On the other documents mentioned unpublished, the use of collateral that the U.S. must pay a fee of 2.5% a year to Indonesia. It's just fear of a corrupt leadership will emerge in Indonesia, then the fee payment will not be open. This means that the rights fee disbursement authority is not on anyone beside or behind the President, but there is the banking system that has been made in such a way that redemption was not easy, including the President of the United States itself.

This special account created to hold assets that until now no one knows its existence except John F Kennedy and Sukarno. Unfortunately before Soekarno and JFK was murdered, they had no time to give the mandate of redemption to anyone in the country. Even if there is a claim believed that Soekarno to liquefy assets, it can be guaranteed that person lie, unless there are specific signs of important documents that do not know anyone who stores up to now. Such an important document that the authors and readers interviews that has source from elder persons in the country of Indonesia or interviews with sources in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong.

Kennedy and Johnson with Indonesia's Sukarno 1961 - Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS, Date Photographed: April 25, 1961

The Hilton Green Agreement was a dumbest agreement for the U.S., because the U.S. recognizes and claims that those assets are actually their spoils of war. According to written documents. The confiscated property from the U.S. when the conquering Germans in World War II. Germany also recognizes that the property was confiscated when Germany attacked the Netherlands. Netherlands also admitted that the property is a treasure that carried prey VOC when Indonesia invaded by Netherland.

Based on the facts found in the field, this property has ever wanted to be cashed in 1986-1987, but failed, then there is another trial beginning in 2000, also failed. Now, when the crisis hit the U.S. and almost whole world invaded by the U.S., President Obama administration tried to convince the world through the word of the Pope at the Vatican that the U.S. has right to withdraw this property. On the basis of the interests of mankind, it seems the Vatican began to melt hearts. The issue says that the Vatican has given its blessing to ignore it, without the direct intervention of Indonesia.

According to a source at the Vatican, when the U.S. president expressed intention to the Vatican, the Pope asked whether Indonesia has been agreed. Reportedly, the U.S. only use the fact MOU between the G-20 in the UK where Indonesian President SBY also signed an agreement to provide the world's financial authorities to the IMF and World Bank to seek alternative funding sources.

The report says, the Vatican ordered that Indonesia be given assistance. Possible IMF aid of USD 2.7 billion in facilities SDR (Special Drawing Rights) to the middle of last year Indonesia was the realization of this agreement, so there is a growing issue that such assistance should not be returned. By Bank Indonesia's support for the IMF used to strengthen the country's foreign exchange reserves. Writers and thinkers of the House of Representatives have come to clarify about the status of this IMF money.

If this was true hopelessness of this nation, that only received USD 2.7 billion. Though the property is worth a thousand trillion dollars. That is Greatest heritage assets of Indonesia, such assets that resulted from the hard work of Indonesia ancestors in the golden era of the kingdom in Indonesia. For once, just to buy rice peoples must use gold as a means of payment in Indonesia. Even the kingdom of China to buy spices in Indonesia using gold.

Source :

57.147 ton Emas Indonesia dirampas asing The Green Hilton Agreement

14 November 1963 bisa dibilang tanggal keramat berkat perjanjian bersejarah antara dua presiden paling kharismatik pada jaman itu. Presiden Indonesia Soekarno - yang dikenal sebagai Ahmed Sukarno di luar negeri - sepakat tandatangani The Green Hilton Agreement dengan Presiden Amerika John F Kennedy. Dengan penuh kebanggan Sukarno menyerahkan sekitar 57.147 ton emas murni 24 karat kepada State Treasury. Itulah harta nasional dan konon titipan/amanat dari kerajaan-kerajaan Asia.
Tahun 1967 dinyatakan sah oleh pemerintah Amerika, tapi sayangnya pada 24 November 1963 Kennedy tewas dibantai dan pada 1965 Sukarno digulingkan dari istana. Presiden Johnson, penerus Kennedy, membatalkan perjanjian. Yaitu perjanjian cetak dollar dengan dukungan emas tersebut. Sejak itu nasib 57.147 ton emas amat misterius, nyangkut dalam kekuasaan The Fed (Federal Reserves) bank sentral Amerika.
Saking rahasia dan misteriusnya sampai tidak ada entri khusus dalam “wikipedia” tentang The Green Hilton Agreement. Mainstream media juga tutup mulut. Indikasi kuat wikipedia dan mainstream media tidak jujur alias alat propaganda Amerika dkk belaka.
Ada pula informasi emas tersebut disimpan di Swis karena bank Swis UBS yang jadi penampung sekaligus penengah. Namun disimpan di manapun tetap itu titipan alias amanat yang wajib kembali kepada pemilik. Sebagian kecil milik Indonesia, sebagian besar milik negara lain. Bukannya dikekepin 39 tahun terus diputar untuk keuntungan pemegang barang.
Keberadaan emas bukan khayalan. Terbukti pada 2003 dibuka lembaga OITS di Thailand sebagai wujud pengakuan. Dihandel oleh Dr.Ray C Dam melalui “International Combined Colleteral Accounts” sebagai pasangan “Global Debt Facility”. Semacam pengakuan hutang antar bangsa. Lembaga ini diakui PBB (UN). Sayangnya belum cair dana kepada pemilik malah keburu ribut.
Tercatat nama-nama terkait pencairan dana simpanan emas internasional, termasuk emas di luar amanat Bung Karno yaitu Ferdinan Marcos, adalah: Dr.Edison Damanik, Neil Keenan, Michael Meiring, Steve Scott, Joseph Daraman, Wilfredo Saurin alias Yohanes Riady. Nama-nama ini bukan jaminan pemegang amanat yang sah. Malah Wilfredo Saurin masuk blacklist penipuan sertifikat emas. Konon harta karun trilyun dollar itu telah banyak makan korban nyawa dan penipuan harta serta pemalsuan sertifikat bon emas.
Presiden SBY belakangan dikabarkan menyerahkan urusan emas tersebut kepada IMF dan World Bank sesuai saran kelompok negara G20. Kemudian Indonesia memperoleh hibah $2,8 milyar dari IMF. Nah pertanyaannya adalah: Apa benar hibah ini wujud kompromi untuk melupakan 57147 ton emas bernilai trilyun dollar?
Mungkin SBY sudah patah hati karena yakin bakal gagal menuntut dikembalikannya emas amanat Bung Karno. Mungkin kalkulasi politiknya mengatakan percuma melawan negara besar yang amat berkuasa. Mungkin kalkulasi ekonominya paham betul emas tersebut dikuasai jaringan bankir internasional aliansi kalangan pengusaha, kerajaan, agama. Maka SBY cari aman, biarlah kecipratan sedikit lumayan.
Ada pula informasi yang terdengar ganjil. Salah satu syarat pencairan emas konon adalah menunggu persetujuan Sri Paus (The Pope), petinggi Katolik di Vatikan, Roma Itali. Bila ini benar maka kian membingungkan. Apa kaitan Sri Paus dengan Bank Sentral Amerika (THE FED) dan simpanan Emas? Apakah Vatikan pemegang saham terbesar The Fed yang dikuasai swasta sejak dulu kala?
Semua misteri itu mungkin hanya Presiden SBY, Wapres Boediono, dan bekas Direktur World Bank Sri Mulyani yang mampu mengungkap. Itu pun kalau berani! Kalau berani membela rakyat Indonesia sekaligus menunaikan amanat Bung Karno 39 tahun yang silam.
Ragile, 5 Oktober 2012
*) sumber rujukan:
*SBY received free $2,8 billions IMF loan to forget $1 trillion gold bullion?
*OITC conflict of gold reserves by Ray C Dam on wikipedia entry:
*The green hilton treaty files:
*Proposal seminar The green hilton agreement september 2012:

Nias Warrior ( The Warrior of Indonesia )

Prajurit Tradisional Indonesia Nias Warrior
( The Warrior of Indonesia )

Irian Jaya / papua

to british gov: go away from papua IRIAN JAYA..!!! Do not interfere in our affairs


Suku Asmat adalah sebuah suku di Papua. Suku Asmat dikenal dengan hasil ukiran kayunya yang unik. Populasi suku Asmat terbagi dua yaitu mereka yang tinggal di pesisir pantai dan mereka yang tinggal di bagian pedalaman. Kedua populasi ini saling berbeda satu sama lain dalam hal dialek, cara hidup, struktur sosial dan ritual. Populasi pesisir pantai selanjutnya terbagi ke dalam dua bagian yaitu suku Bisman yang berada di antara sungai Sinesty dan sungai Nin serta suku Simai.

Ada banyak pertentangan di antara desa berbeda Asmat. Yang paling mengerikan adalah cara yang dipakai Suku Asmat untuk membunuh musuhnya. Ketika musuh dibunuh, mayatnya dibawa ke kampung, kemudian dipotong dan dibagikan kepada seluruh penduduk untuk dimakan bersama. Mereka menyanyikan lagu kematian dan memenggalkan kepalanya. Otaknya dibungkus daun sago yang dipanggangdan dimakan.

Sekarang biasanya, kira-kira 100 sampai 1000 orang hidup di satu kam
pung. Setiap kampung punya satu rumah Bujang dan banyak rumah keluarga. Rumah Bujang dipakai untuk upacara adat dan upacara keagamaan. Rumah keluarga dihuni oleh dua sampai tiga keluarga, yang mempunyai kamar mandi dan dapur sendiri.

Suku Asmat meiliki cara yang sangat sederhana un
tuk merias diri mereka. mereka hanya membutuhkan tanah merah untuk menghasilkan warna merah. untuk menghasilkan warna putih mereka membuatnya dari kulit kerang yang sudah dihaluskan. Sedangkan warnah hitam mereka hasilkan dari arang kayu yang dihaluskan. Cara menggunakan pun cukup mudah, hanya dengan mencampur bahan tersebut dengan sedikit air, pewarna itu sudah bisa digunkan untuk mewarnai tubuh mereka.

Selain tradisinya yang unik, penduduk kampung Syuru juga amat piawai membuat ukiran seperti suku asmat umumnya. ukiran bagi suku asmat bisa menjadi penghubung antara kehidupan masa kini dengan kehidupan leluhur, pada setiap ukiran bersemayam citra dan penghargaan atas nenek moyang mereka yang sarat dengan kebesaran
suku Asmat. Patung dan ukiran umumnya mereka buat tanpa sketsa. Bagi suku asmat kala mengukir patung adalah saat di mana mereka berkomunikasi dengan leluhur yag ada di alam lain. Hal tersebut dimungkinkan karena mereka mengenal tiga konsep dunia: Amat ow capinmi (alam kehidupan sekarang), Dampu ow campinmi (alam pesinggahan roh yang sudah meninggal), dan Safar (surga).

Percaya sebelum memasuki surga, arwah orang yang sudah meninggal akan mengganggu manusia. Gangguan bisa berupa penyakit, bencana bahkan peperangan. Maka, demi menyelamatkan manusia serta menebus arwah, mereka yang masih hidup membuat patung dan mengelar pesta seperti pesta patung bis (Bioskokombi), pesta topeng, pesta perahu, dan pesta ulat-ulat sagu.

Konon patung bis adalah bentuk patung yang paling sakral. Na
mun, kini membuat patung bagi suku asmat tidak sekadar memenuhi panggilan tradisi. Sebab hasil ukiran itu juga mereka jual kepada orang asing di saat pesta ukiran, mereka tahu hasil ukiran tangan dihargai tinggi antara Rp. 100 ribu hingga jutaan rupiah di luar Papua.

Mata Pencariannya
Kebiasaan bertahan hidup dan mencari makan antara suku yang satu dengan suku yang lainnya di wilayah Distrik Citak Mitak ternyata hampir sama. suku asmat darat, suku citak dan suku Mitak mempunyai kebiasaan sehari-hari dalam mencari nafkah adalah berburu binatang hutan separti, ular, burung kasuari,

babi, hitan, komodo dan lain-lain. Mereka juga selalu meramuh atau menokok sagu (proses pengam

bilan sari pohon sagu) sebagai makan pokok dan nelayan yakni mencari ikan dan udang untuk dimakan. (K-4/Wikipedia)

SUKU BIAK di Kabupaten BIAK Numfor (BIAK TRIBE)

SUKU DANI, Lembah Baliem, Papua (DANI TRIBE)

Suku Ekagi, daerah Paniai, Abepura, Papua

Suku Amungme di Mimika

Suku Bauzi, Mamberamo hilir, Papua utara

Suku Arfak di Manokwari

Suku Kamoro di Mimika





(October 10, 1921 – April 10, 1979) was a National Hero of Indonesia (Gelar Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia).

Kaisiepo was born in Wardo on the island of Biak on October 10, 1921. As the representative of Papua he was involved in the Malino Conference (16 July – 25 July 1946), where the formation of the Republic of Indonesia was discussed. He proposed the name Irian, which came from the Biak language.

The Japanese occupation of Indonesia during World War II resulted in the Dutch government lacking personnel in New Guinea. In order to satisfy this deficiency, in 1944, Resident J.P. van Eechoud established the Police Training School and the School of Civil Service (betuurschool) in Hollandia (currently Jayapura). Eechoud is often called "Vader der Papoea’s" (father of the Papuans). That school had taught 400 people between the year 1944 – 1949. It also produced the most intellectual Irians that were involved in the battle. The Indonesian declaration of independence on August 17, 1945 also affected many young learned men, among them Silas Papare, Albert Karubuy, and Marthen Indey. In 1946 in Serui, Silas Papare and a couple of his followers established a political pro-Indonesia organization called Irian Indonesian Independence Party or Partai Kemerdekaan Indonesia Irian (PKII).

On August 17, 1947 Silas Papare led the raising of the Indonesian red and white flag, accompanied by Johans Ariks, Albert Karubuy, Lodewijk, Barent Mandatjan, Samuel Damianus Kawab and Joseph Djohari. It was a remembrance to Indonesia’s Independence Day. This action resulted in the confinement of all the participants by the Dutch police for more than three months. Two others nationalist, Frans Kaisiepo and Johans Ariks followed the path of Silas Papare. Johan Ariks, at later time, discovered the plans to integrate West Irian into the Republic of Indonesia’s territory instead of fostering its autonomy. In 1945 when he attended Civil Administration Brief course in Nica Holandia city ( Kampung Harapan Jayapura) he befriended Sugoro Atmoprasodjo. From this socialization his Indonesian nationalism grew up and then with his friends often held discreet meeting with Sugoro to discuss the unification of Nederland Nieuw Guinea to Republic of Indonesia. Frans Kaisiepo disagreed with the name plate of Course/School that he attended written Papua Bestuur School. He ordered Markus Kaisiepo, his sibling, to change the name Papua Bestuurschool into Irian Bestuurschool.

The idea of Indonesian Independence grew among students coming from all districts. Therefore, the students of the school often held discreet meetings that opposed the Dutch occupation and planned to join Indonesia. Next, they formed a committee under the leadership of Sugoro Atmoprasojo, with members such as Frans Kaisiepo, Marthen Indey, and Silas Papare, G Saweri, SD Kawab and others

On 14 August 1945 in Kampung Harapan Jayapura, Indonesia Raya Song was reveberated by Frans Kaisiepo, Marcus Kaisiepo, Nocolas Youwe and his friends.

On August 31, 1945, they held a ceremony where they hoisted the Indonesian flag and sang Indonesia Raya (Indonesia’s national anthem) followed by figures of Indonesian Committee of freedom such as : Frans Kaisiepo, Marcus Kaisiepo, Corinus Krey and M. Youwe. On 10th Juli 1946 in Biak Party Of Freedom of Indonesia (Partai Indonesia Merdeka) was founded with Lukas Rumkoren as the leader. One of the founders was Frans kaisiepo who at the time was the chief of Warsa District, North Biak.

In July 1946 Frans Kaisiepo was member of the Malino Conference Delegation in South Sulawesi, pioneered by Dr. H.J. van Mook. He was the only native Papuan attending the Malino Conference. As a speaker, he suggested that the name Papua should be changed into Irian (supporting the Republic of Indonesia anti-Netherland). The people said Irian was taken from the Biak language meaning hot area.

Frans Kaisiepo was one of members of Delegation that opposed the establishment of East Indonesian State (NIT), because NIT was without Irian Jaya. Based on this reference he suggested Irian Jaya join North Sulawesi.

In March 1948, rebellion broke out in Biak protesting against the Dutch government. One of the inciters of the rebellion was Frans Kaisiepo.

In 1949 he rejected appointment as the delegate leader of Netherlands Nieuw Guinea in the Round Table Conference in the Netherlands, because he did not want to be dictated to by the Netherlands. As a result, Frans Kaisiepo was arrested from 1954 to 1961.

In 1961, he established Irian Political Party that strived to re-unite Nederlands Nieuw Guinea with the Republic of Indonesia. To envisage the decolonization of the Nederland Government, President Soekarno ignited Trikora ( People’s Triple Commands) on December 19, 1961 in Yogyakarta. The commands included (a) aborting the formation of the ‘Papua state’ as created by colonial Netherland, (b) Waving the Red and White Flag in West Irian, and (c) preparing to mobilize to defend the independence and unification of motherland. Many volunteers were sent to aid the Irian combatants. Frans Kaisiepo often protected these combatants who would silently infiltrate West Irian.

Due to the Trikora Act, the Netherlands Government was forced to sign an agreement known as the New York Agreement on August 15, 1963. The transfer of government administration to UNTEA occurred on May 1, 1962. The transfer of West Irian to Indonesia was conducted by the United Nations the following year on May 1, 1963. By the end of 1969, the Papuans had to decide whether or not to join Indonesia or remain autonomous. Indonesia had the responsibility to develop the region from 1963 to 1969.

The first governor of Irian was Elieser Jon Bonay who held the office for less than a year (1963 – 1964). In the beginning, Bonay sided with the Indonesians. Yet, in 1964, he urged the Act of Free Choice in Irian Jaya for the independence of West Irian; this request was forwarded to the United Nations. His action caused him to be resigned as governor. In 1964, he was replaced by Frans Kaisiepo. His resignation without a replacement position disappointed Bonay and propelled him to join Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM) or the Free Papua Organization overseas, he left his homeland and became a prominent figure of OPM and resided in the Netherlands.

Frans Kaisiepo, as governor and one of activator from Irian Jaya Big Discussion strived to archive the Act of Free Choice, as it coincided with his original vision. Finally, it was won, meaning that Irian Jaya was reunited with Republic of Indonesian in 1969. In 1972, Frans Kaisiepo was appointed member of Republic Indonesia’s People’s Consultative Council / MPR RI and during 1973 – 1979, he was appointed member of Republic Indonesian’s Leadership of Supreme Judgement / DPA RI.

On April 10, 1979, Frans Kaisiepo died and was buried in Taman Makam Pahlawan Cendrawaish (Cendrawaish Heroes Burial Site) in Biak. Due to his meritorious service, Frans Kaisiepo was awarded the Trikora and the Act of Free Choice merit by the Indonesian government. His name is also immortalized as the Biak Airport. Inside Frans Kaisiepo, there was the will to firmly maintain the unification of the nation.

In 1993 Frans Kaisiepo was honored as a National hero based on resolution letter number 077/TK/1993 from the President of Republic of Indonesian with carter and Maha Putera Adi Pradana Medal Class 2nd.

Inside Frans Kaisiepo, there was the will to firmly maintain the unification of the nation. He firmly believed in the proverb that “United we stand, divided we fall”.

Sejarah Integrasi Papua / Irian Jaya

Perjuangan masyarakat Papua dan Papua Barat (sebelumnya: Irian Barat/Jaya) dalam rangka mewujudkan integrasi ke Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI), telah menempuh proses panjang, rumit, pahit dan berliku. Bersama dengan masyarakat Indonesia lainnya seperti Jong Ambon, Jong Selebes, Jong Java, Jong Sumatera, Jong Kalimantan dll, mereka berjuang melepaskan diri dari dominasi kolonialisme penjajah dan imperialisme antara lain dari Kolonial Belanda (350 Tahun) dan dari Jepang (3 Tahun).

Bentuk perjuangan ini beragam, namun tetap dalam semangat gerakan millinerian, mesianic dan cultus cargo. Dalam masa penjajahannya, Belanda, yang terkenal sebagai penguasa yang paling kejam dan serakah, menyita tanah, melakukan deskriminasi ras, mengisolasi budaya bahkan membiarkan keadaan kesehatan buruk terjadi di Papua. Selain itu, dalam rangka menghadapi penjajah Jepang yang brutal, perjuangan dilakukan secara terbuka berupa gerakan “Koreri” di Kepulauan Biak, gerakan “Were atau Wage” di Enarotali dan gerakan “Simon Tongkat” di Jayapura, tahun 1942.

Menjelang okupasi menyeluruh Jepang ke wilayah Indonesia, pemerintah Belanda di Nieuw Guinea tidak rela apabila Papua Barat jatuh ke tangan Jepang. Bahkan berupaya mencengkram kuku-kuku kolonialisme. Salah satu bentuknya yaitu pendirian sekolah Polisi dan sekolah Pamongpraja/ Police Training School and the School of Civil Service (bestuurschool) di Jayapura pada tahun 1944 dipimpin oleh Resident J.P.van Eechoud.

Adalah sebuah kesalahan besar dengan anggapan Eechoud sebagai “Vader der Papoea’s” (Bapak Orang Papua), karena J.P.van Eechoud tidak benar-benar menginginkan pembentukan sekolahan tersebut untuk melahirkan elit politik terdidik (borjuis kecil terdidik) di Nieuw Guinea, tetapi merupakan siasat untuk menarik simpati masyarakat Papua pada waktu itu, untuk berjuang bersama-sama Belanda mengusir penjajah Jepang, sehingga penguasaan atas wilayah Papua semakin berlangsung lama. Pengelabuan atas nasionalisme Papua membuat orang Papua tertipu dan tanpa disadari telah menjadikan mereka sebagai “sapi perahan” yang setia kepada Pemerintah Belanda. Oleh karena itu, setiap orang yang ternyata pro-Indonesia ditahan, dipenjarakan, atau dibuang keluar dari Irian Jaya sebagai tindakan untuk mengakhiri aktivitas pro-Indonesia di Irian Jaya.

Beberapa orang yang menempuh pendidikan bestuurschool kemudian menjadi terkemuka dalam aktivitas politik antara lain: Markus dan Frans Kaisepo, Nicolaas Jouwe, Herman Wajoi, Silas Papare, Albert Karubuy, Moses Rumainum, Baldus Mofu, Eliezer Jan Bonay, Likas Rumkorem, Martin Indey, Johan Ariks, Herman Wamsiwor dan Abdullah Arfan. Beberapa diantara tokoh diatas ternyata tidak benar-benar terpengaruh dengan iming-iming Belanda, diantaranya Silas Papare, Albert Karubuy dan Martin Indey.

Dalam hati terdalamnya, tetap bersemayam keinginan mewujudkan proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia 17 Agustus 1945 dari Sabang hingga Merauke sehingga pada 14 Agustus 1945 di Kampung Harapan Jayapura, Lagu Indonesia Raya Song dikumandangkan oleh Frans Kaisiepo, Marcus Kaisiepo, Nocolas Youwe dan teman-temannya. Pada tanggal 31 Agustus 1945 mereka melakukan upacara pengibaran bendera Merah Putih dan menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya yang dihadiri oleh para tokoh Komite Indonesia Merdeka seperti: Frans Kaisiepo, Marcus kaisiepo, Corinus Krey dan M. Youwe. Perjuangan Integrasi Papua dan Papua Barat lantars berlanjut.

Pada tanggal 10 Juli 1946 di Biak didirikan Partai Indonesia Merdeka (PIM) dengan ketuanya Lukas Rumkoren. Adapun salah seorang pencetus PIM adalah Frans Kaisiepo yang waktu itu menjadi kepala Distrik di Warsa, Biak Utara. Frans Kaisiepo juga menjadi anggota delegasi asal Irian Jaya pada bulan Juli 1946 di Sulawesi selatan. Pemerintah Belanda dalam konferensi Malino diwakili Dr.H.J.van Mook, menolak tuntutan Frans Kaisepo karena Belanda masih berkepentingan di Nieuw Guinea. Frans Kaisiepo adalah putra asli Irian jaya yang dalam konferensi Malino. Sebagai pembicara ia mengusulkan supaya nama Papua diganti dengan Irian yang diberi pengertian Ikut Republik Indonesia Anti Nederlands.

Konon kata IRIAN diambil dari bahasa Biak yang berarti panas dalam hal ini berarti daerah panas. Frans Kaisiepo termasuk anggota delegasi yang menentang pembentukan Negara Indonesia Timur (NIT) sebab NIT tanpa Irian Jaya. Sehubungan hal itu ia mengusulkan IRIAN Jaya masuk karisidenan Sulawesi Utara. Pada bulan Maret 1948 terjadi pemberontakan rakyat Biak melawan pemerintah kolonial Belanda, salah satu pencetus pemberontakan itu adalah Frans Kaisiepo. Pada tahun 1949, Ia menolak ditunjuk sebagai Ketua Delegasi Nederlands Nieuw Guinea ke Konferensi Meja Bundar (KMB) di negeri Belanda, sebab tidak mau didikte dalam berbicara yaitu sesuai keinginan Belanda. Akibatnya Frans Kaisiepo dipenjarakan dari tahun 1954 – 1961. Pada tahun 1961, Frans Kaisiepo mendirikan Partai Politik Irian yang menuntut penyatuan kembali Nederlands Nieuw Guinea ke dalam kekuasaan Republik Indonesia. Untuk menghadapi usaha dekolonisasi dari Pemerintah Belanda, Presiden Soekarno mencetuskan Trikora (Tri, Komando Rakyat) pada tanggal 19 Desember 1961 di Yogyakarta. I

si komando itu adalah (a) Menggagalkan pembetukan ”Negara Papua” buatan kolonial Belanda; (b) Mengibarkan bendera merah putih di Irian Barat Tanah Air Indonesia; dan (c) Persiapan mobilisasi umum untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan dan kesatuan tanah air dan bangsa.

Banyak sukarelawan dikirim untuk membantu para pejuang Irian. Frans Kaisiepo banyak melindungi para pejuang Indonesia yang menyusup secara diam-diam ke Irian Barat. Dengan aksi Trikora itu, pemerintah Belanda kemudian menandatangani perjanjian yang terkenal sebagai Perjanjian New York pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1962. Penyerahan penyelenggaraan administrasi pemerintah kepada UNTEA dilakukan pada tanggal 1 Mei 1962 sedangkan penyerahan wilayah Irian Barat kepada Indonesia dilakukan PBB (UNTEA) pada tanggal 1 Mei 1963. Realisasinya yaitu paling lambat pada akhir tahun 1969 harus dilakukan pemilihan bebas untuk menentukan nasib Irian Barat oleh orang Papua sendiri apakah mereka akan bergabung dengan Indonesia atau berdiri sendiri. Indonesia berkewajiban untuk membangun wilayah itu dalam kurun waktu 1963 – 1969. Gerakan politik penyatuan Papua ke NKRI juga didukung oleh gerakan nasionalis lain tumbuh di antara siswa yang berasal dari semua kabupaten. Tahun 1945, Frans Kaisiepo berkenalan dengan Sugoro Atmoprasojo ketika mengikuti Kursus Kilat Pamong Praja di Kota Nica Holandia (Kampung Harapan Jayapura).

Dari perkenalan itu ia dan kawan-kawannya mulai tumbuh rasa kebangsaan Indonesia. Frans Kaisiepo tidak setuju dengan papan nama kursus/sekolah yang diikutinya itu yang bertuliskan PAPUA BESTUUR SCHOOL. Ia memerintahkan kepada Markus Kaisiepo, saudaranya untuk menggantikan papan nama Papua Bestuurschool (Sekolah/”Kursus Kilat” Pamong Praja Papua) menjadi Irian bestuurschool. Ide kemerdekaan Indonesia berkembang dikalangan para siswa yang berasal dari berbagai daerah/suku. Untuk itu para pengikut kursus itu sering mengadakan rapat secara sembunyi-sembunyi yang pada intinya menentang pendudukan Belanda dan ingin bersatu dengan RI.

Mereka kemudian membentuk dewan perwakilan di bawah pimpinan Sugoro Admoprasojo dengan anggota, antara lain Frans Kaisiepo, Marthen Indey, dan Silas Papare, G Saweri, SD Kawab dan teman lainnya. Soegoro Admoprasodjo pada saat itu menjabat Direktur Pendidikan Pamong raja di Kontanica-Hollandia. Soegoro membina dan menghimpun semua orang Jawa, Sumatera, Makassar, Bugis, dan Buton yang ada di Nieuw Guinea sebagai kekuatan yang pro-Indonesia.

Tetapi sekali lagi gerakan tersebut dilarang oleh Belanda, dan konsekuensinya ia diberhentikan sebagai direktur dan dikirim ke Batavia/Jakarta oleh Resident J.P.van Eechoud. Gerakan politik dalam rangka integrasi Papua ke NKRI lantas tidak mati. Walaupun menjalani masa pembuangan oleh Belanda ke Serui, Dr. Sam Ratulangi tetap melakukan pembinaan terhadap PKII. Gerakan politik baru untuk memperjuangkan integrasi Papua ke NKRI turut dilakukan tokoh akademisi.

Pada tahun 1954, Dr. Gerungan mendirikan gerakan politik di Hollandia bernama Komite Indonesia Merdeka (KIM). Gerakan ini dipimpin oleh sejumlah pemimpin Papua seperti Marten Indey, Nicolass Jouwe, dan Korinus Krey. Hal ini lantas membuat Resident J.P.van Eechoud geram. Ia melarang aktivitas PKII dan KIM, menangkap pemimpinnya dan membuangnya ke Makassar, Jawa, dan Sumatera yaitu Silas Papare, Albert Karubuy, N.L Suwages, Lukas Rumkorem, dan Raja Rumagesang.

Namun kegiatan PKII dan KIM terus berlanjut di bawah tanah, dengan semangat pro-Indonesia dan menggabungkan Nieuw Guinea dengan Indonesia, dengan dipimpin oleh beberapa tokoh seperti Steven Rumbewas, Korinus Krey, Martin Indey, Kawab, Krey, dan Ujo. Untuk menghadapi PKII dan KIM, pemerintah Belanda mendirikan gerakan persatuan Nieuw Guinea, dengan tokoh-tokohnya antara lain Markus Kaisiepo, Johan Ariks, Abdullah Arfan, Nicolaas Jouwe dan Herman Womsiwor. Belanda bercita-cita penguasaan atas Nieuw Guinea dilakukan secara menyeluruh. Pada tahun 1960 dibentuklah Uni Perdagangan yang pertama di Nieuw Guinea bernama Christelijk Werkneemers Verbond Nieuw Guinea (serikat Sekerja Kristen Nieuw Guinea).

Pada tiga bulan menjelang akhir tahun 1960, pemerintah Belanda membentuk beberapa partai dan organisasi atau gerakan politik sebagai perwujudan dari kebijakan politik dari Kabinet De Quay untuk mempercepat pembentukan Nieuw Guinea Raad melalui pemilihan umum, yaitu realisasi dari politik dekolonisasi untuk Nieuw Guinea yang dilakukan secara bertahap.

Adapun berbagai partai dan organisasi atau gerakan politik tersebut diatas adalah:

  • Partai Nasional (Parna) diketuai Hermanus Wajoi
  • Democratische Volks Partij (DVP) diketuai A. Runtuboy
  • Kena U Embay (KUE) diketuai Essau Itaar
  • Nasional Partai Papua (NAPPA) Anggota NMC tanggahma
  • Partai Papua Merdeka (PPM) diketuai Moses Rumainum
  • Commite Nasional Papua (CNP) diketuai Williem Inury
  • Front Nasional Papua (PNP) diketuai Lodwijk Ayamiseba
  • Partai Orang Nieuw Guinea (PONG) diketuai Johan Ariks
  • Eenheids partij Nieuw Guinea (APANG) diketuai L. Mandatjan
  • Sama-Sama Manusia (SSM)
  • Persatuan Kristen Islam Radja Ampat (PERKISRA) diketuai M. N. Majalibit
  • Persatuan Pemuda-Pemudi Papua (PERPEP) diketuai AJF Marey Partai Nasional (PARNA) dipimpin oleh orang-orang yang beraliran nasionalis.

Beberapa pemimpin PARNA yang terkenal adalah Markus Kaisiepo, Nicolaas Jouwe, Herman Womsiwor, Frits Kirihio kemudian dikirim untuk belajar ke Belanda dan berubah pikirannya menjadi pro-Indonesia. Frits Kirihio kemudian berjuang untuk meyakinkan dunia bahwa West Nieuw Guinea merupakan bagian dari Indonesia dan ia diangkat menjadi Anggota Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Sementara (MPRS) Republik Indonesia. Silas Papare menjadi anggota MPRS dan mereka membentuk suatu Front Nasional Pembebasan Irian Barat (FNPIB).

Silas Papare sangat aktif dalam kegiatan front ini dan diikutkan pada Delegasi Indonesia ke Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) untuk mebicarakan masalah Irian Jaya pada tahun 1962. Pada tahun 1958 hingga tahun 1961 sejumlah pemuda Papua melintas batas ke Indonesia, yang oleh pemerintah Indonesia diterima dan dijadikan atau dilatih menjadi Tentara dalam rangka persiapan perebutan kembali Irian Jaya dari Pemerintah Belanda.

Beberapa pemuda yang terkenal pada waktu itu antara lain: A. J. Dimara, Benny Torey, Marinus Imburi (almarhum), Sadrack Rumbobiar, Melkianus Torey, Metusalim Vimbay. Pada 1961, Frans Kaisepo mendirikan Partai Politik Irian yang diupayakan untuk bersatu kembali Nederlands Nieuw Guinea dengan Republik Indonesia. Membayangkan dekolonisasi dari Pemerintah Nederland, Presiden Soekarno memicu Trikora (People’s Triple Perintah) pada tanggal 19 Desember 1961 di Yogyakarta.

Perintah-perintah yang disertakan (a) Gagalkan pembentukan ‘negara Papua’ sebagai yang diciptakan oleh kolonial Belanda, (b) Kibarkan Bendera Merah Putih di Irian Barat, dan (c) Bersiap-siap untuk memobilisasi untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan dan penyatuan ibu pertiwi.

Banyak sukarelawan dikirim untuk membantu pejuang Irian. Frans Kaisiepo diam-diam menyusup Irian Barat. Karena UU Trikora, Pemerintah Belanda menandatangani perjanjian yang dikenal sebagai Perjanjian New York pada 15 Agustus 1963. Pengalihan administrasi pemerintahan untuk UNTEA terjadi pada tanggal 1 Mei 1962. Pengalihan Irian Barat ke Indonesia dilakukan oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa pada tahun berikutnya pada tanggal 1 Mei 1963. Pada akhir 1969, orang Papua harus memutuskan apakah atau tidak untuk bergabung dengan Indonesia atau tetap otonom. Indonesia memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan wilayah 1963-1969. Gubernur pertama Irian Jon Elieser Bonay yang menjabat kurang dari satu tahun (1963 - 1964).

Pada awalnya, Bonay berpihak pada Indonesia. Namun, pada 1964, ia mendesak Act of Free Choice di Irian Jaya untuk kemerdekaan Irian Barat; permintaan ini diteruskan ke Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Tindakannya menyebabkan dia mengundurkan diri sebagai gubernur. Pada 1964, ia digantikan oleh Frans Kaisiepo. Pengunduran dirinya tanpa posisi pengganti sehingga Bonay kecewa dan mendorongnya untuk bergabung dengan Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM) atau Organisasi Papua Merdeka. Di luar negeri, ia meninggalkan tanah airnya dan menjadi tokoh terkemuka OPM dan tinggal di Belanda.

Pembukaan UUD 1945 English version

Oleh Suhari
Whereas independence is the inalienable right of all nations and therefore, colonialism in the world must be abolished, because not in accordance with humanity and justice.
And the struggle for Indonesian independence movement has now reached the happy moment Sentausa safely delivering the people of Indonesia to the front gates of Indonesia’s independence, an independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous.
On the mercy of Allah the Almighty and motivated by the noble desire to live a free national life, the people of Indonesia hereby declare their independence.
Furthermore, to form a government of Indonesia which shall protect all the Indonesian people and the country of Indonesia and to promote general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation, and contribute to the establishment of a world order based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice, then disusunlah Indonesia’s national independence in the Constitution of Indonesia, which was formed in an arrangement of the Republic of Indonesia based on the existence of people with the Belief in God Almighty, humanity is just and civilized, Indonesian unity, and democracy is guided by the wisdom of deliberation / representation, and with the realization of a social justice for all Indonesian people.
Jika ada pembaca yang hendak saran, kritik perbaikan kata. Kami sangat menghargai!.

The Achenese Peudeueng The Long Sword of Aceh Sumatra

Aceh (also referred to as Atjeh, Atjin, Acheen Achin.) is at the northern tip of Sumatra in Indonesia. It is believed to be one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia. Hindu and Buddist influence from India may have reached Aceh as early as the first century. sixth century A.D. Chinese chronicles. spoke of a kingdom on the northern tip of Sumatra named Po-Li. It is believed that Islam likely first entered the Indonesian archipelago through Aceh sometime between the 8th and 12th century. In 1292, Marco Polo, on his epic voyage from China visited Sumatra on his way to Persia and reported that in the northern part of the island there were at least six busy trading ports including Perlak, Samudera and lambri. With a past like this it is not surprising that their weapons have Hindu, Buddist, Chinese and Islamic influence. The area has an extensive martial history. In the middle of the 14th century, Pasai was invaded by Majapahit soldiers from Java. In 1523, Sultan Ali attacked the Portuguese in Pasai, killing Portugal military commander Horge de Brito. Sultan Ali managed to drive the Portuguese troops out of Pasai. After this defeat, Portugal attempted to conquer Aceh several times, without success. In 1873, the Netherlands declared war and invaded Aceh Darussalam. But the Dutch found it more difficult than they expected to gain control of the whole of Aceh. The Acehnese resisted the occupation, touching off the Aceh War, the longest colonial/expeditionary war fought by the Dutch and claiming more than 10,000 lives. Aceh-Dutch war dragged on until 1914, resistance continued with smaller groups until 1942 when the Japanese arrived in the Dutch East Indies. It has often been said that the Sultanate of Aceh from the 16th century on was in continual struggle. Although a multitude of edged weapons are used in Aceh there are 3 primary weapons that have played a role in Aceh’s history. They are the rencong, Siwaih ( Siwah, Sewar, Siwar) and peudeueng. This article will deal with the peudeueng. As I gain more imformation this will be updated and more sword types may be added. Nothing in this should be considered new or original work on my part. Instead this is a compilation of what so many people have been kind enough to share with me, and what published material I have been able to access. I am certain there are inaccuracies here that are the result of honest mistakes. They will be corrected as I am made aware of them or find better information. That is one large advantage a web based article has. Unlike the published word wich can only be as good as the information at the time of publishing; the web based article can be udated and changed.

The Aceh long sword is called the peudeung. While these swords are attributed to the Aceh it is almost certain they were used also by other ethnic groups in the area. There is evidence of its use as a weapon at least as far back as the 17th century. It may have been used singly, with dual swords or with a small round shield called a peurise. It should be noted that these swords are also often called by other names. In the very complete reference book, TRADITIONAL WEAPONS OF THE INDONESIAN ARCHIPELAGO. by A.G. Van Zonneveld they are referred to as a "Pedang I" "Sikin Pasangan" and" Sikin Panjang" Numerous other sources including Dominique Buttin's excellent site call it a "Sikin" ( Sikim , Sikkim, Sekem ). In a correspondence with Dominique Buttin, he informed the that, "The name Peudeung means sword, which is the same meaning as Podang from the Batak or Pedang from the Javanese." A major problem with deciding which name to use for these swords comes from the fact that there are 10 subethnic groups of acehnesse (such as Aceh , Gayo, Alas, Aneuk Jamee, Melayu Tamiang, Kluet, Devayan, Sigulai, Haloban and Julu ) Here I will use the term used in the most of the Dutch sources and that is "Peudeueng" . A review of the literature seems to divide peudeueng by blade style and type if hilt. The straight bladed swords are called peudeueng panjang ( sikin panjang, sikin pandjang, loedjo Aceh, ). Curved blades peudeueng are called peudeueng peusangan ( peudeueng pasangan , sikin peusangan, sikin pasagan, pedang, poedeung ).

A peudeueng panjang with a hulu tumpang beunteung ( Hulul Buaya)

A peudeueng peusangan with a hulu meu apet
A peudeueng peusangan with a hulu tumpang beunteung (HuluPasangan)

The other division for Aceh swords is by type or shape of the hilt or hulu, In "Hands of Time: The Crafts of Aceh", by Barbara Leigh, 1989, Jakarta she describes them as "hilt like the tail of a cat", "hilt like the mouth of a crocodile", "hilt like the horns of a deer", "hilt like the legs of a horse", and "hilt like the tail of a duck" While all of these may be found on other Aceh swords; I have only found 4 types of hulu on peudeueng. The hilt that looks like the open mouth of an animal ( or crocodile) is called hulu tumpang beunteung in Gayo or Hulu Buaya in Aceh. This type of hilt can be seen on both peudeueng panjang and peudeueng peusangan. In one variant of this the tips come together till they almost touch with flattened ends. This style I was told by an Acheen smith is still called a hulu Buaya but some books also call it a Hulu Peusangan. Peusangan is the name of a river and the name of a subdistrict in Bireuen, Aceh The third type is usually seen only on the peudeueng panjang is called a Hulu Rumpung.

a close up of a hulu tumpang beunteung (Hulu Pasangan)

A peudeueng panjang with a hulu tumpang beunteung ( Hulul Buaya)

A peudeueng panjang with a hulu rumpung

The fourth type of hilt that is seen on peudeueng is called Hulu Meu Apet (Hulu Muapit in Gayo or Sukul Mekepit in Alas). Hulu means hilt Meu is a verb Apet ( jaga / kawal) means guarded ; so this may simply mean "guarded hilt". Some other sources call this hilt Daun Tebu. Duan Tebu means Sugar Cane Leaf and the end of the hilt on this is said to resemble a sprouting sugar cane. The hulu meu apet strongly resembles Indian sword hilts seen on the khanda and firangi, but the end spike is shorter.

a close up of a a Hulu Meu Apet
Recently Ariel Barkan, on the forum at, noticed that it also is influenced by the Indian Gulabghati hilt, named so because its upper disk has concentric lines resembling a rose flower, "gulab". More on this style of hilt can be found in Indian Arms and Armour by G.N. Pant.

The Indian Gulabghati hilt from Pant’s book ( left) compared to the Hulu Meu Apet (center and right)
Rarely a Hulu Meu apet is seen with a knob at the end of the hilt, this is sometimes called a Peudeueng meutampoh. Perhaps this should be considered a separate style of hilt

Albert G. Van Zonnenveld states in his book, that the peudeueng peusangan with the Hulu Meu Apet was largely of foreign manufacture and did not gain great favor. His feeling is that because of that this variant may be largely ceremonial. That may be true today, however, photos taken during the Dutch-Aceh war can be found with this sword being used. While ornate specimens can be found; the majority of the hulu meu apet I have encountered or seen pictures of are designed for function and not overly ornate. The scabbards normally found with them are also rather austere. Specimens can be found with signs of damage usually associated with battle damage. The sword with the hulu meu apet was even found on several battle flags. In addition examples of these swords can be found with Azimat in them or on the sheath to protect the bearer in battle.

This flag has - literally - been soaked in blood: laboratory research has confirmed that the flag has a bullet hole and bears blood stains. This was probably the blood of first lieutenant C.H. Bischoff. It was he who captured the flag for booty during the storming of a 'benteng' (Malay for fort) held by the Achinese enemy in 1840. Bischoff paid for his escapade with eleven wounds inflicted by enemy klewangs. The klewang was originally a native Atjeh sword: 'gliwang'. Towards the end of the 19th century it became a characteristic feature of the Dutch East Indian soldier's uniform. The sword widens at the tip of the blade which, together with the handle, forms a curved line.. He was carried off wrapped in the flag. Several days later, on 3 May 1840, Bischoff died of his wounds. Before passing away, he was promoted to the rank of captain for his heroic deed.

Photo of a battle flag in the collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Scabbards ( Sarung)
The scabbards for the peudeueng peusangan with a hulu meu apet are usually wood covered with leather. Some are adorned with silver banding . Scabbards for a peudeueng peusangan with a hulu tumpang beunteung and the peudeueng panjang are of wood and can be found both ornate and plain

A typical scabbard for a peudeueng peusangan with a hulu meu apet

A typical scabbard for a peudeueng peusangan with a hulu tumpang beunteung

A scabbard for a peudeueng panjang

In March of 2006 some information was revealed about some of the spiritual beliefs and rituals surrounding these swords. It appears that there are parallels to the the anting ( or anting-anting ) used on Philippine weapons. These talismans are called tangkal or azimat/zimat or jimat. These talismans contained protective verses or religious verses from the Quranic verses ( perhaps again a parallel to the Phillipine practice of Oracion ). This came to light on a thread on In this discussion a tangkal or azimat was posted that came from under the hand guard of a peudeueng peusangan with a hulu meu apet. This is an area that I hope to be able to do more research on and post the findings here. My thanks to Fazli Ibrahim for helping me with information on this.

Here is the sword that the azimat was found in and the bag that contained it


Some pictures of the azimat in that sword handle. The portion between the 2 stars is known as Khatimus Sulaiman;.
It's purpose is to protect it's wearer against "black magic" and evil spirits.

Some other Azimat from the National Museum in Indonesia

Some Aceh swords have a vegatative motif at the throat called Pucuk Rebung. The V shaped Pucuk Rebung represents sprouting bamboo
According to some acehnesse, if there is gold on hilt / handle / scabbard the sword only can be made for or owned by Panglima ( commander , chieftains ), teungku ( the noblility ) and other highly respected persons.

Here are some photographs of Aceh warriors with the peudeueng.

A photograph of Aceh warriors ( right photo) with the peudeueng and a rencong from “Blanke Wapens” by JG Dieles. One has a of a hulu tumpang beunteung ( right ) the other a hulu meu apet ( left) . The photograph on the far right shows the source book.

“Acehnese noblemen” from: Catalogus van ‘s Rijks Ethnographisch Museum, part VI (1912), plate V; (Museum of Ethnography in Leiden, the Netherlands, now “RMV Leiden”).

Special thanks to Paul Vermeiren, Erik Farrow, Ariel Barkan, Paul Hansen and Dominique Buttin
An Azimat inscribed on the sheath of a Peudeung Panjang

1)      "Hands of Time: The Crafts of Aceh", by Barbara Leigh, Djambatan - Jakarta, 1989
2)      "Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago" by Albert G. van Zonneveld C. Zwartenkot Art Books - Leiden; Spring
3)      2001OLD BLADES - Malay World Edged Weapons.  Copyright © 2000 - 2005
Revised: 2005-04-03
4)      “Indian Arms and Armour” by GN Pant 1978
5)      . Lombard, D. 1967: Planches IV dan V. Gambar 21 A.
6)      Catalogus van ‘s Rijks Ethnographisch Museum, part VI (1912), plate V; (Museum of Ethnography in Leiden, the Netherlands, now “RMV Leiden”).

7)      The Weapons and Fighting Arts of Indonesia, by Don F. Draeger Tuttle, Publishing 1972 
By John T. Crosby