Map of the Republic of Indonesia

Whereas independence is the inalienable right of all nations, therefore, all colonialism must be abolished in this world as it is not in conformity with humanity and justice.

KRI Dewaruci (Morals, Ingenuity Courage and Loyalty)

Brief History of KRI DEWARUCI Built in 1952 by H.C. Stulcken & Sohn Hamburg, West Germany, and Launched on January 24, 1953. The Ship was sailed to Indonesia by the Indonesian naval officers and Cadets. Ever since, the ship has been utilized as training ship in the Indonesian Naval Academy based in Surabaya, for which she has cruised both inland waters and overseas. About The NAME Most of Javanese Philosophies of life follow...

Indonesia and South Korean

Indonesia and South Korean are Gearing up to sign MoU for KFX project  Planned cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea to start a joint project on jet fighter production received strong support from a lawmaker and researcher here on Friday but they warned that it will need to undergo feasibility studies. “The joint cooperation is good for Indonesia because it will help us revitalize our defense industry. However it is strongly...

Industri pertahanan yang kuat menambah rasa aman rakyat

.fullpost{display:inline;} Dengan membentuk dan menciptakan industri pertahanan yang kuat, maka perasaan aman dan terlindungi para anak bangsa semakin bisa terciptakan. Kesan selama ini yang ada dimana TNI dipandang lemah karena alutsista yang usang dan terbatas, alutsista terbatas karena dana yang tidak ada membeli produk luar yang mahal-mahal bahkan bisa diembargo, terpaksa beli produk luar karena industri pertahanan yang lemah, akan membuat...

PT PAL Launching LPD 125 Meter

LPD ke-3 buatan PT. PAL (photo : PAL)                                        LPD ke-4 untuk TNI-AL (photo : PAL) PAL INDONESIA Melaksanakan Launching Kapal LPD 125 Meter Hull No.W000240 PAL INDONESIA melaksanakan launching kapal Landing Platform Dock 125 Meter (LPD 125 M) Hull no W000240 kapal yang ke empat...

Indonesia sucessfully tests D 230 missile made in Malang

.fullpost{display:inline;} Indonesia sucessfully tests D 230 missile made in Malang. The missile that will be used by Indonesian Army and Navy reached 10-20 km More news see he...

Indonesian military aircraft jet??

.fullpost{display:inline;} Several years ago, some of Indonesia's aerospace industry, such as PTDI, PT BAEC and so on, want to build Indonesia's home made aircraft fighter jet for Indonesian Air Force. But no further report on the progress. But recently, an open source blog unveils new design of an aircraft fighter jet with TNI AU marking. The question arise: is this the "the blue print" of the aircraft??  Srikandi, or Shikandi...

National car makers may need only $100m

  Manufacturers of three new national car prototypes might need a combined investment of US$100 million to launch assembly plants to mass produce three future brands — namely the Tawon, Gea and Arina, the Industry Ministry has forecast. Panggah Susanto, the Industry Ministry director for land and military transportation, said Tuesday that each of the three national car brand owners would require more than $30 million to build an assembly...

Bhirawa: Made in Indonesia's Humvee

  .fullpost{display:inline;} The car called Bhirawa, locally made humvee by the "Pupuk Kaltim", Indonesia's fertilizer factory....

New Design of N 2130-S Unveiled

.fullpost{display:inline;} Indonesia's aerospace enthusiast unveils news design of N 2130, the proud of the nation. Although N 2130 project has been terminated, many Indonesian hope one day the government will be willing to re-open the mass production of the aircraft. See here 0 komentar: ...